Why software gratis ms dos is not installing properly into my system?

Hi, I am experiencing a problem upon installing software gratis ms dos. Can anyone tell me why its showing error message at installing software gratis ms dos ?Â

Hi, I am experiencing a problem upon installing software gratis ms dos. Can anyone tell me why its showing error message at installing software gratis ms dos ?Â
Hi Joslin.
It would have been better for me if you had written which operating system you are using. Hence, I am giving you a basic solution for this. This problem occurs when any extension file is missing. Follow the steps given below:
1) Insert the program cd or dvd.
2)Â Right click on this and select 'run as administrator'.
3) Go to the command mode by clicking cmd.
4) On the command mode, write down expand CD-ROM Drive Letter:i386config.nt_ c:windowssystem32config.n.
5) Hit the enter.
6) Your problem is solved. Now uninstall the program and install it again.
Thank you for your question.