Why use formula palette in excel?
Hello friend i have a question, why use formula palette in excel?
1. create and edit formula containing function
2. Copy a range os cells
3. Enter assumptions data
4. Format cells having number
Hello friend i have a question, why use formula palette in excel?
1. create and edit formula containing function
2. Copy a range os cells
3. Enter assumptions data
4. Format cells having number
We can use formula palette for all of these options formula palette is very easy to you and this will make your life simple and this how we work on formula palette so the use of formula is very easy and make our life very easy to work on excel that is why formula palette is design and how this make our life very simple and make us very comfortable and allow us the sharing to make the changes according to your desire. Hope this solution will help you solving your issue of finding how to solve the formula palette.