Windows reboots on Vista Loading Screen

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi everybody and to all the helpful techies out there,

Please help me with my desktop computer problem, whenever I turn on my computer it reaches only until the Windows Vista loading screen and it restarts again. This unusual activity of my computer doesn't stop.

Now I'm unable to use my computer for my work and now I'm planning to reinstall my Windows Vista. Please, if you know a solution help me because this problem is driving me insane.


Best Answer by alexx
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #85037

Windows reboots on Vista Loading Screen

  • You should check your BIOS setup screen and applying the Default settings.
  • Then check you hardware specially RAM that everything is fixed properly or not? if this not worked then change your RAM and try again. 
  • Or you can scan your hard drive by some external PC, by doing this it cleans and deleted all corrupt files from your hard drive and your windows can proceed further.
Answered By 0 points N/A #85039

Windows reboots on Vista Loading Screen



I am sorry that your computer is not working fine. I can help you with some troubleshooting steps which you can perform before going ahead to reinstall the Windows Vista.

>>Try starting your computer in Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key as it restarts. You’ll need to press this key before the Windows Logo appears.

>>See if you are able to start to Windows normally in Safe Mode. If it is working fine, try restoring your computer in the Safe Mode.

>>If you are experiencing the same issue in Safe Mode, restart your computer and get into the BIOS setup and click on “Load Optimized Defaults”. Save and exit the BIOS.

>>Still if you are unable to fix the issue, I suggest you to check your hardware components.

Thanks and regards,

Skarbos Jay. 

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