Why Would Verizon Purchase AOL For A Huge Sum?

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -

In your own observation and research, what would make Verizon purchase AOL for 4.4 billion USD? When is the transaction expected to be complete? Would you share the same view with what the American mobile giant describes the business transaction and move as grand and important as they look forward to build a digital and a video platforms as they strive towards the future? Why are your bases for agreeing or not?

Answered By 5 points N/A #189537

Why Would Verizon Purchase AOL For A Huge Sum?


Hi Margaret, Purchasing AOL is just an important part of Verizon's plan to dominate the future of streaming, They would like to dominate internet streaming videos service, And music service too, AOL video service has great base of users,  Also AOL owns big news websites, As The Huffington Post, TechCrunch and Engadget, Those are popular websites,With reputable Editors, It would come in play as free advertising for Verizon, It is a great deal for Verizon, But the future of AOL video streaming is still questionable, As the field of video streaming is already crowded with big boys as YouTube, And Netflix.

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