WiFi Router IP Problem Found

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Initially I was using a DSL Modem, now I needed a WiFi system. I purchased a WiFi Router for enabling WiFi system in my premises. I installed the drivers and connected the DSL Modem and WiFi Router with the Computer System. After completing all this, I found an error, "IP error".

I want to know how I can change the IP, from WiFi Router to DSL Modem?

Answered By 0 points N/A #99382

WiFi Router IP Problem Found



After installing router to your Internet connection, an IP Error pop-up is because of the following;

1. Modem-Router are not in sync
2. Modem might be using PPPOE and your router is configured to DHCP
3. Modem is set to DHCP but router is either PPOE of Static
4. This create conflict with the modem and router, causes IP Error message comes-up

What you need to do is to;

* Identify what type of Internet Connection your Internet Service Provider has
* Once identified, let's say (DHCP), router has to be on DHCP/Automatic configuration
* Call your Internet Service Provider for modem reset
* Once reset, you may start the installation either by using CD or manual configuration
* For PPOE settings, you need to enter your username and password once PPPOE is selected in the router set-up

This should let you add a networking into your premises.

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