Nintendo officials claim that the new Wii U launch functions better than the nintendo 3DS, can older forms of Nintendo Wii games be used on the new console or am i forced to buy from the short list of game titles?
Wii U launch’s short list of upcoming games titles
To put it simply, yes, you can still play your favorite Wii games on the upcoming Nintendo Wii U. But since the Wii gaming console came before Wii U, the games meant for them will not use the full potential of the Wii U’s new gamepad, in particular its built-in screen. However, it can still use the built-in LCD panel as the actual screen of the Wii game itself – which means you can transfer the game you are playing on your TV to the Wii U Gamepad’s screen. This is perfect if you are playing your favorite Wii game on the TV then someone in your household wants to watch programs on TV. Instead of shutting down the game, you can just transfer what you are playing on the Wii U Gamepad’s screen. Because of this compatible integration, Nintendo is still releasing new Wii games like Just Dance 4, The Last Story, Epic Mickey 2 and Fifa Soccer ’13 that can be played both on standard Wii consoles and the upcoming giant Wii U.