Will the thinkpad tablet 2 have Windows 8

I know acer is complaining a lot about Windows making hardware .Is there any chance they make it with out Windows 8

I know acer is complaining a lot about Windows making hardware .Is there any chance they make it with out Windows 8
Hello Johnnie,
Acer is just threatened by the windows action of getting into hardware business, and it claims that other brands will not be happy with the windows decision too. There worry is that with windows action of making the surface based PC they might be left with nothing to do or their products may not be marketable as they were.
But whether to make it or not make with windows 8, I think Acer will have to reconsider their decision of abandoning windows for it is the most used operating system on the globe. Abandoning it implies that their market will go down since the windows users of Acer machine will have to look for other options. What it should try to do is just be contended with the competition and look for an alternative like coming with a PC that is even better than the windows based surface PC.