Asked By
Aiko Femie
0 points
Posted on - 01/16/2012
Hello Techyv experts,
I have heard about Wine (a software). I heard that it can make Win Xp software run in Linux. I want to know that whether it is right or not? Where I can download this software and how i can use?
Win Xp software run in Linux
First of all, you have to download Wine. You can find it here: On the other hand, if you are using Ubuntu you'll need to start the terminal and type the following: sudo apt-get install wine. This way you'll have Wine on your computer. All that's left is to follow the usual procedure of installation.
However, there is a great chance you'll experience compatibility problems because there are more than ten thousand applications that have to be compatible with Wine. You can check this at: Regarding the Wine compatibility of these applications, they are categorized as Platinum, being the best one, than Gold, Silver, Bronze and at last place Garbage.
These ratings show the compatibility of applications with Wine and it is strongly recommended that you avoid using apps that are rated as Garbage. Most of the popular applications are already in the Platinum, Gold or Silver category so you should be able to use most of them without any problems.
However, if the application you want to use is not in the database you can test it for yourself and then rate it. Some of the most popular applications that run smoothly with Wine are the following: Photoshop CS2 – Platinum and Gold; Half Life 2 – Platinum Counter Strike; ACDSee – Platinum; Command and Conquer – Gold; Microsoft Office 2003 – Silver; Call of Duty – Gold, and many other applications.
Answered By
Paul Mac
0 points
Win Xp software run in Linux
If you want to run computer applications created for Windows on different types of Unix operating systems, then, Wine is the perfect solution for you. So, Wine allows you to run Windows XP software in Linux. Wine has the Winelib, which is the software library that allows you to compile windows application and use them on Linux. The software can be downloaded at the next address:Â Here are the steps on how to install and use Wine on Ubuntu 11.04 or before: Â
1. Right-click the setup.exe for the Windows program you want to install;
2. Right-click on the installer and, in the context menu that appears, select Properties;
3. Under Permissions make sure that Allow executing file as program is checked;
4. Under Open With, select Wine Windows Program Loader then click Close;
5. Now double-click the .exe installer file and do the usual next-next-next you'd normally do with a Windows program installer;
6. Now your program should be available in Applications > Wine > Programs.
If for some reason it wasn't the case, go to Applications > Wine > Browse C: Drive where you can find the launcher for your program and double-click it.
Now you are free to launch and use your new program.
Win Xp software run in Linux
Experts! Cool site. I didn't expect to have all this information from you guys. Totally perfect. Thanks guys. I have the idea now about wine. 🙂 I will study it more for better understanding..