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Posted on - 09/27/2011
I'm having a problem with my computer. The error appears Error Loading winads32.rom what those it mean? When I scan my computer with my Anti-Virus and it detected winads32.rom as a Trojan. Then i moved the file winads32.rom to virus vault Because it detected as a virus.
After what i did nothing happens it always appears again.
Error Loading winads32.rom
The specified module could not be found.
Winads32 Rom error loading detected
That is an adware you got there. It is the type of virus that untimely displays unwanted messages. Sometimes somewhat like a commercial ad persuading you to visit a certain website. I see in the background of the image you are using AVG antivirus. I don’t know if you’ll agree with me but AVG is kind of weak in removing viruses. It is a good antivirus in the sense that it updates everyday automatically and with this you are expecting that it can guard your system very well.
But too my experience, our computer network in the office before also uses this brand of antivirus and everyday it catches an active virus in every unit. But how come it can’t free the computer from viruses even if you run a full-system scan and still every now and then it catches the same virus over and over again.
Download Symantec’s Norton Antivirus from their website:, uninstall your antivirus, install Norton Antivirus and then run a full-system scan on your computer. You may also want to try antivirus software from McAfee:
Winads32 Rom error loading detected
Hi there,
It seems you are having trouble with the antivirus solutions.
Very sad to say that Huge loads of Malwares and or Viruses are Playing with your system. You must be very careful while using External devices to install Software's and other stuffs and also while using Network.
Its really horrible and tough to fight with viruses and only a PC expert geek could do remove SOME of the common viruses.
Better install a GOOD Antivirus and or Internet security.
I personally Recommends Kaspersky Internet Security 2012. It works great. It catches almost all the viruses and also very smooth to operate. What problem kaspersky has till its 2011 versions was slow updates. Now they have solved the problem.
Go try download the trial version and try it for 30 days and if and only if you liked then buy the license for 1 year.
Good luck.