Window Firewall and MS Animal ware tool stopped working

What could be the main reason why Window Firewall and MS Animal ware tool stopped working? Since yesterday, I already start receiving warnings from Norton Autoprotect in line with Trojan.Gen.2, Trojan Horse downloader.
The message seems to indicate that autoprotect has blocked those threats. What bothers me is that why I can’t launch them? I have received an error (Norton error 0x00003f4) when I tried to run it with Symantec scan. But how come the antivirus was not working?
I also happen to reboot my PC but I noticed it could not normally start at the same time cannot normally search for repair. What must be the things I have to do in order to clean my system?
Anyways, I have windows Vista 32 and Symantec Norton Internet Security.
Can you please find me a way to make my system uninfected?