Windows 2008 Server R2 with Active Directory

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I installed Windows 2008 Server R2 with Active Directory and when I connect my new computers that are with Windows 7 professional and some with XP, to the domain but it gives errors.

It works only when the IP address of the server in the DNS field of the TCP/IP properties of the PC is entered manually.

Please advice on this issue?

Answered By 55 points N/A #81690

Windows 2008 Server R2 with Active Directory

  • The structure of the active directory is different of windows 7 from the windows 2008 server.
  • If you have installed the windows 7 you can either revert back to windows 2008 on new systems or try the compatibility options.
  • If you want to stick to the windows 7 then copy the configuration from the windows 2008 and set them to the windows 7.
  • Then define the IP to choose automatically. So that you don't have to manually put the IP every time.
  • After that you can try changing the IP address from the main router that you are using. This is how you can avoid the conflicting Ip addresses between the PCs that you are trying to use.


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