Windows 7 latest in technology

Is windows 7 the latest in windows technology for laptops and desktops? And which is the best technology for a laptop computer?

Is windows 7 the latest in windows technology for laptops and desktops? And which is the best technology for a laptop computer?
There are some gossips about Windows 8 OS. Most likely they have released an evaluation copy of the next version of the Windows OS. But still Windows 7 is the best one. It is looking good and working properly. Still the fewer amounts of virus attacks affected to the Windows 7 OS.
So the Microsoft does not need to release new version. Anyway the thought of the Microsoft can be different. But I am sure the windows 7 OS will remain for another few years. Since it is working properly and a lots of hardware and software support to it.
Since there are two types of windows PC operating systems – windows and windows server. So yes windows 7 is the latest in windows (non-server) technology for laptops and desktops. And i think windows 7 is the best for laptop in OS technology.