Windows 7 phobia for errors

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am here to share my problems related to my Windows 7 operating system (OS).

I am having quite a few and I cannot wait for the solutions.

First of all, I cannot run my ‘Steam’ application. Please see attached error message.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion failed
Program: C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteam.exe
File: .htmlwindow.cpp
Line: 1681
Expression: SUCCEEDED (hret)
For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts

(Press Retry to debug the application – JIT must be enabled)

Abort Retry

Secondly, I cannot uninstall K-lite Mega Codec pack. Instead, this error message pops-up.

Application Error

Exception in module unins000.exe at 00053B49.

Colnitialize failed (0x80010106).

Lastly, my ‘Media Player’ fails to load my h264 capable decoder. I receive messages that are somewhat related with the PC memory. I hope you can sort it out for me.
Important Notes: My PC configuration
Windows 7 x 64 rc1 Build 7100
Core 2 Duo
ATI HD2400 Mobility

What should I do to fix these errors?

Answered By 5 points N/A #120323

Windows 7 phobia for errors




Try to check first the software if its compatible to your operating system and then try to repair your system and after that if the not work at all just simply this one just scan the system if its infected a virus or may be spyware just check that one and then try to install the Avg Tune-up 2012 to fix the error from the your system.


After you install the Avg Tune-up try to scan the system wait for the result from the Avg Tune-up and then try to the defrag you system to go there just simply go to the start menu and then go to the my computer just select the drive C just right click select the properties below simply click and then select the tools and you can see the defragmentation just click that to start the scan to your computer.



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