I bought a new PC with Windows 7 having in it. All my files are saved in drive: When I connect them from the laptop to my PC, I can see all my files, but don’t have access to open them because it requires permission, and when I try to open it, the word “read only” appears and then the error appears such that “You need permission to perform this action.”
Windows 7 you need permission to perform this action
Try to get permission by right clicking, to the files and go to properties. And go to the secret situation, Tab and press the “Ed the situation: There, press “Add” and worse situation your username under ”Enter the object names toward select” and the situation “Check Names” at this instant the situation should be underlined and depending on your desktop’s name, the situation should look like “Your-PCUsername”. Press “OK” and your username should be added to the list, select and press “Full control” checkbox and the situation”OK”. At that time you need permission to the briefcase and you can try.
Now going back toward secret situation TAB and press on advance button and press on the owner tab. Then press end and select your username and press ok. A window should pop up u just need taken ownership of the object. You will need to reopen this object before you view, then press ok and you should be good toward your problem solved.