Windows 8 to be available for more versions

Microsoft has recently revealed that there will be three versions of ‘Windows 8’ which are Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT where the last one freshly-renamed Windows-on-ARM which is also known as Windows on ARM or WOA as explained by Microsoft.
This computer giant on its official blog revealed that to make things simple for consumers and users of windows, there will be three variations of the software.
The first two of these versions will be for PCs which supports x86 processors (both 32 bit & 64 bit). In case of the 3rd version (Windows RT) which is for Arm-based devices, this single edition will only be available pre-installed on PCs and tablets which are powered by ARM processors having an impressive battery life.
There may be released another version as Windows 8 Enterprise having all those features which will be available in Windows 8 Pro.
This Windows 8 Enterprise is basically featured for IT organization that will help the users of it having easy access to advanced security, virtualization of the computer, computer management and its deployment, very new mobility scenarios and so on.
Microsoft already revealed the names of the next Windows versions and one of them is called Windows RT. It is the official name for Microsoft’s Windows On ARM.
It's a new version of Microsoft Windows designed to run on low-powered ARM processors, which are mostly used in nowadays tablet computers [including the iPad] because they offer longer battery life than the Intel-type processors used in traditional PCs.
The word “RT” in its name stands for Runtime and also refers to WinRT which is the Windows Runtime Library.
It's actually quite a tricky and important bit of technology, because it allows developers to write one application that is able to run on both Windows 8 [which uses Intel-type processors] and Windows RT [which uses ARM].
Without it, developers would have to do extra work to get their applications to run on each platform. For a much more detailed information, you may visit What Is Windows RT?