Windows 8 for gaming ?

Is it good to use windows 8 for gaming purpose. I wanted to know about these because I am a game freak and plays lot of games in windows 7. Will I have the same experience in windows 8?

Is it good to use windows 8 for gaming purpose. I wanted to know about these because I am a game freak and plays lot of games in windows 7. Will I have the same experience in windows 8?
Hi Christopher,
To answer your question, let me share a quote made by some microsoft spokesperson the "Microsoft Windows 8 is ideal for gaming" . Microsoft has tries to introduce a gaming app according to the news. It is also said that Microsoft has made a collaboration with Xbox360 and the games in Windows 8 will have an Xbox avatar. So if you are really a gaming fan, you should be liking the new OS. Also it is also rumored that the new version of Xbox will be using a Windows 8 OS. Microsoft has also tried to bring a complete new gaming experience for the gamers around. So just keep your fingers crossed till you experience gaming on this OS. 🙂
Hello Christopher,
If you what you want to know about windows 8 concerns that the speed of the built-in games as well as the features others when you have the Operating System is installed as a virtual machine, then you will need to look for an improvement in the event that you install the Operating System directly onto your Hard Disk Drive, and not the Virtual Machine.
You however need to know that the software is still a Pre-Beta software and for that matter it could be better if you run it with certain hardware configurations compared to others, and also much of the code that has been used to create it may not be fully optimized.