Windows 8 has 3 versions

Which one should I choose from among the 3 versions available for Windows 8?
What are the advantages over the other versions?

Which one should I choose from among the 3 versions available for Windows 8?
What are the advantages over the other versions?
Windows 8 is released in 4 editions:
Three versions of windows 8 as announced by Microsoft Corporation are Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, and Windows RT.
Windows 8 is actually aiming for normal computer users rather than Tech Enthusiasts and Geeks. It is the standard edition and will be packaged with OEM systems.
Windows 8 Pro is a special version of their Operating System for Geeks and Tech enthusiasts who are not satisfied with just Windows 8. It includes new features like encryption, Virtualization, PC management and domain connectivity among with the features that included in Standard Version and will have a media pack.
Windows RT will be only available with pre-installed on PCs and Tablets Powered by ARM processors and will help enable new thin and lightweight form with impressive battery life. For this it is also known as Windows on ARM or WOA.
According to Microsoft more information about these versions is coming months and it is hoped that the price be affordable for consumers. Now you choose the version which will be appropriate for you. Then to paste it into the word document.