Hello Friends,
How can i bypass the windows 8 ram requirements
I want to try windows 8 with it but it keeps on telling me that i don't meet the system requirements to run windows 8.
What's the matter and how to solve it, please Help.
Windows 8 RAM Requirement Problem Bypassing
Basic requirements for windows 8
1 GHz or faster processor
1 GB RAM for (32 bit) and 2 GB RAM for (64 bit)
16 GB available hard disk space for (32 bit ) and 20 GB for (64 bit)
DirectX 9 graphic device with WDDM 1.0 or higher
Now to check your system requirements right click on MY COMPUTER icon then click on properties this window will appear
From this screen you can check your system compatibility if your RAM memory is less then the required you need to upgrade you system RAM memory and if you RAM memory is ok then there is a problem in your windows 8 CD/DVD try to install it from other windows 8 CD/DVD.