Hi experts,
I am the local administrator of a computer on which Windows XP Professional is installed. I have several applications installed.
When i try to set up some of these applications, i get an error message which states that, the windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file and that i might not have appropriate permission to access the application.
As i said earlier, I am the only administrator on this computer and do not understand how i do not have permission to access these applications.
I need to be able to start up these programs and make certain standard settings changes.
Help me out.
Thank you so much.
Windows cannot access program path
It comes to my mind a few things that might be causing your problem.
First one can be related to user permissions. You can be the only one who work with your computer, but not necessary configured as that. The easiest way to do those settings you need is to enter in Windows 'safe mode' by pressing F8 key (tap it, do not hold) at the boot screen and select it by using arrow keys. Fix anything you need an restart after.
Another may be related with a kind of virus that happily erase files and settings. It is a quite common issue, resolved by cleaning the system with an antivirus and reinstalling the damaged programs after.
Windows cannot access program path
That problem often occurs when your Internet enhanced security is working and it causes to reduce work on the browsers of the window. To solve your problem follow these steps:
Go to you control panel and then click on Internet options and you will see a tab for security now check all of your security levels as all of them are set on the custom level for each of your options.
Now also go to PRIVACY and set the default level for it.
What it does is that it allows the browser to work in special situation and as all of our programs are in the browser so you need to configure it.
Also you can change the program type you want to change, to do this just right click on the program you want to change type and then click open with now select the thing in which you want to open it.
Hope it will work fine.
Windows cannot access program path
It looks you have a malware activity in your PC. First analyze what happening in your PC, to do that just go to task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) then click on processes tab and check the processes running on your PC. Visit this Techyv post which one also will be helpful to resolve this issue.
Cannot open files and programs in Windows