Windows could not be installed. Error in the beginning.

I tried to install windows XP and when it finishes loading files, and then HDD ERROR appears on a blue screen.
How I can solve it.

I tried to install windows XP and when it finishes loading files, and then HDD ERROR appears on a blue screen.
How I can solve it.
This is very common problem. I hope I will make it done.
You have to do so work as I say.
This error shows that your Hard Disk is not working properly.
Usually this happens when the IDE cable becomes loose.
Sometimes when jumper settings are not accurate, then the same problem occurs.
Open the case of your computer, remove the IDE cable and Power connector from hard disk and clean them.
Clean the connector pins on hard disk also.
After that, attach the cables again.
Now try to run setup of Windows XP. You will never see this error.