Windows defender has stopped working

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a difficulty in windows defender. I am unable to find out the problem. Every time I open my computer the error messages pups up and it says that windows defender is not working. I do not know how to solve the problem.

Kindly give me solution of this problem as quickly as possible.


Solve a problem with Windows Defender

Windows Defender has stopped working properly.

Vince Milano
Best Answer by Lesten Pasio
Answered By 5 points N/A #115762

Windows defender has stopped working


Hi , Vince hope the following steps will guide you in fixing of this issue.:..:

  • It may be the caused due to problems with the windows settings and with the firewall and hence check the settings whether any problem with the settings if so resolve the problem.
  • The other reason that may be occurred due to affect of Virus malware program its better once to scan your system with an updated registered antivirus so that the virus may be healed/quarantined.
  • If there are no any important files its better to just format the system and make it ready with an registered updated antivirus software as they can find virus and remove/heal the infected files.
  • Hence definitely the problem will be resolved and system turns normally in smooth running without error as the flow of execution will not be stopped.
Thank you..:-)
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 40 points N/A #115763

Windows defender has stopped working


Hi there , 

It seems you are having trouble with your windows defender . It stops working right . 

The only solution is re-installing cause there must be some bugs in your current windows defender i guess .

1.Go to start 

2. Click on control panel 

3.Go to programs and features (in windows XP ) or add or remove programs in Windows 7 respectively.

4.find windows defender and click uninstall , it may not be found in the current tab , try it in windows files.

5.Now download it from microsoft website and install it or just insert your windows 7 DVD and then open the setup and you can see installing options for other programs and services.

6. Install it and problem solved. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #115764

Windows defender has stopped working


I uninstalled Windows Defender and reinstalled it again on my PC and I am happy that it works now!

This community is so helpful and nice,

Thanks to you guys and thanks to techyv

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