Windows Error Code – 0x800710fe. Can Someone Help?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a file on my Windows 7 computer. The file is useless. I want to delete this file. But whenever I attempt to delete it, the system shows an error with error code 0x800710fe. How do I delete my file?

Answered By 20 points N/A #289664

Windows Error Code – 0x800710fe. Can Someone Help?


The problem with your PC is that its offline cache must have corrupted. You need to clear the cache as follows.

  1. Go to an application called ‘Sync Centre’ in the Control Panel.
  2. You can find this under ‘All Control Panel Items.’
  3. Go to ‘Manage offline files’ and delete all temporary files.

Alternatively, you can

  1. Open the Start Menu and run the command ‘regedit’ from the Run dialogue box.
  2. Go to the following registry key -HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/CSC/Parameters
  3. Add another DWORD key and set its value to 1

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