Windows Error Recovery error appears

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I always encounter the error message saying Windows Error Recovery every boot. The picture illustrates the error that always appear on reboot. If you select Launch Repair, it will repair but after a while a blue screen with some error message appears and then when you reboot again, this screen will appear.

Does anybody here know the solution to my problem?

Best Answer by syed110
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #85800

Windows Error Recovery error appears



Hey friend this problem is faced by many users, it is quite simple and logical, your hard drive is actually facing problems and your windows is corrupted, there may be some bad sectors in your hard drive that creating problem in your hard drive and operating system. The solution of this problem is simple; you should contact your system/ operating system provider or simply install another Windows to your current operating system. The other solution is that you should change your hard drive or buy a new hard drive for your current system as tour hard drive might contain some bad sectors…Blue screen appearing shows that your hard drive is not okay and should be installed new Windows….



Answered By 0 points N/A #85801

Windows Error Recovery error appears


A while back I have had this problem with my computer. It appeared that the files were corrupt.  It eventually crashed  after a while. I would suggest that you reload your OS and that should take care of the problem

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