Windows Error – TeamViewer Not Running On Partner Computer. Please Help.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am a frequent user of TeamViewer. I use it for most of my clients. Today, when I was trying to use it for one of my clients, the application flashed an error message saying – TeamViewer not running on partner computer. But the client is sure that the TeamViewer software is running on his PC. What might be wrong?

Answered By 0 points N/A #289652

Windows Error – TeamViewer Not Running On Partner Computer. Please Help.


Try any of the following solutions according to the situation to solve your problem.

  1. Many corporate networks, public Wi-Fi networks block TeamViewer connections. Ascertain that your network allows the TeamViewer software to access the internet.
  2. Ask the client to run his computer in administrator mode, if he hasn’t.
  3. On the client’s PC, allow the TeamViewer application to pass through the Windows Firewall.
  4. Check the connection status on TeamViewer dashboard. There must be a green icon stating that you are connected.

Hope this helps!

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