Greeting Everyone,
The problem occurring with me is strange. I was using the default internet explorer on XP and thought to upgrade it. So I downloaded version 8 from Microsoft's website. It installed smoothly. But as I ran it, it showed that it doesn't have permission to run. It seemed like a
Problem with limited accounts to me. But I was running an admin account.
So, where is the problem.
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Windows Explorer seeks strange permission
Hello Akash,
You will need to reset your security settings and to do this you can do one of the following,
I recommend you to try 'Microsoft fix it'. It will automatically fix this error, The fix it link is available on Microsoft support website.
If it fails, then you will need to reset your security settings manually, In the run box
type a command, "cmd" and then click OK.
type esecedit /configure /cfg %windir%repairsecsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose.
You will receive a message telling you that the task is completed.
Next, Try to scan your PC for malware using an updated anti-virus. Hope this works for you