Windows failed to start Status0xc000017

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


This night I bought a new DVDRW and installed on my PC. When I opened my PC this screen stopped the boot. I removed the DVDRW and the same window appeared. Can anyone help me please fix this without reinstalling the Windows. What caused this ?

Thank you experts !

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.


Info: There isn’t enough memory available to create a ramdisk device.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #184165

Windows failed to start Status0xc000017


That’s odd. Installing a new DVD writer, if that’s what you mean by DVDRW, doesn’t normally cause a problem on the operating system. Installing it on the computer doesn’t need installing any driver or software. You just attach and connect it to your motherboard in the CPU and the operating system will automatically install it on the system.

Though you did not mention the operating system you are using, try restarting your computer in Safe Mode. To do this, restart your computer. Press F8 before the Windows logo appears. In Advanced Boot Options screen or in Windows Advanced Options Menu screen, select Safe Mode and then hit Enter twice. Go to Device Manager or right-click My Computer and then select Properties.

Select Hardware tab and click Device Manager. Expand “DVD/CD-ROM drives”, right-click on your DVD writer and select Uninstall. Click OK to confirm and then shutdown your computer. See image.

Disconnect your computer from the outlet and then open the CPU case. Detach the DVD writer from the CPU and then close the CPU case. Plug your computer in the outlet again and start the machine. Your operating system should be back to normal.

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