Windows Groove File Sharing System Effectiveness

Asked By 130 points N/A Posted on -

I want somebody with firsthand experience of using Windows Groove file sharing system. How did you find this particular system? Has Groove been of much benefit to you since you started using it to share files with your colleagues? Why would you recommend Groove to somebody and not an alternative like Dropbox? What have you been dissatisfied with since you started using Groove?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #185914

Windows Groove File Sharing System Effectiveness


The Groove file sharing workspaces allows you to synchronize Microsoft Windows folders or directories with different computers. But there have been reports related to performance issues. The issues encountered in Groove Virtual Office 3.0 were caused by bugs. But there are issues that were caused by users pushing or forcing the software to perform beyond what it is designed for.

In case there are files in a Groove file sharing synchronized folder that don’t synchronize among computers, verify the download settings of the folder. To do this, from the Launchbar, open the workspace folder. In Shared Folder Synchronization sidebar, click or select “Edit this folder's download Settings”. If the directory or folder is set to Manual Download, it is only the requested files that will be synchronized.

But when the folder is set to Limited Automatic Download, files that are bigger than the given or specified size should also be requested to synchronize. Aside from verifying the download settings of the folder, you should also know that files that begin with a tilde “~” will not synchronize as well as any files that contain the following extensions: .gfs, .tmp, .bak, .sav, and .lnk.

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