Asked By
Dina Bangs
0 points
Posted on - 11/29/2011
Hello guys,
I Have created a website using ASP, and I already uploaded my site to the internet, I created a form which allow to upload pictures, but I am having problem for this one.
Every time that I attempt to upload a picture I get this error. Is it a problem to my code?
or maybe a problem to the server?
Please help.
Windows Internet Explorer
The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation
Windows Internet Explorer- wrong state for the requested operation
Hi. The error you are describing is mainly due to the following reasons:
1) You are crossing the limit of the allowed data size of uploading
2) You are not defining the port number of the HTTP server
3) You are giving an invalid server Name
 Now I am telling you how to eradicate this problem on ASP:
Solution 1:
 In your code, define the port number of the HTTP server. You can use the HTTPPort property to set the port number.Â
Solution 2:
 Please modify the server name to an available IP address in your code and then try again.
Solution 3:
For IIS 6:
->) Go to Start Menu and then go to Run , type "cmd" in the dialog box
->) Then type "cd C:InetpubAdminScripts"
-> Â Then you have to type "cscript adsutil.vbs get w3svc/AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed ", To view max request entity allowed
For IIS :
-> Go to Start Menu and then go to Run , type "InetMgr" to open IIS 7 Manager
-> {Your WebSite}->Feature View->ASP->Limites Properties
-> Set "Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit" to a higher valueÂ
  Hope this will resolve your problem