Windows mobile udp flood solution

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, everyone! Someone is flooding my server through udp ports. I tried blocking the udp by IPSEC but it did not solve the problem. I'm using windows mobile server 2008. Do you know how to solve this windows mobile udp flood? I really need your help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #187899

Windows mobile udp flood solution


Hi Marilou,

UDP flooding on servers is often encountered as it is the most probable technique to slow down the server. But, not to worry, there are numerous solutions to this problem. I am discussing one of the best possible ways to restrict flooding.

You should make use of Access control Lists (or ACLs). Apply ACLs to UDP ports and in this way you can restrict or filter the incoming traffic through ports.

In case, the ACL fails, then you should refer to this guide to stop UDP floods on your Windows Server.


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