Windows Program Usage Gives Out 0xc80003fa Error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Give points on the 0xc80003fa error? what is the cause of the error code and explain the methods to overcome this error message?

Answered By 0 points N/A #344753

Windows Program Usage Gives Out 0xc80003fa Error


The error code displayed as ‘ERROR_CAN_NOT_DEL_LOCAL_WINS’ or as value 0xFA1 which means “The local Wins cannot be deleted.” 0xc80003fa error is a Windows update error code that usually occurs on the Windows system when the user runs a Windows program on the Windows operating system.

Several main causes of the error are incorrect records, damage to Windows system files, corrupted system files, incomplete installation, unacceptable application deletion, installation deletion, virus or spyware, ad attack, incorrect BIOS settings, old drivers, etc.

This error occurs if you cannot access the %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution folder during Windows Update.

The step to fix the error code is shown below:

Step 1: Check the system files with the following commands:

sfc /scannow

dism /online /cleanup-image/Restorehealth

Step 2: Check the WU settings in the computer.

Step 3: Clear the WU cache with following commands:

net stop Wuauserv

cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution ren Download Download.old

net start wuauserv

Step 4: Restart the computer and check for the error again.

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