Windows system repair in Lenovo is useless

I have a Lenovo laptop that comes with Windows System Repair Disk. But why I cannot use it on Windows 7? Does someone have an idea?

I have a Lenovo laptop that comes with Windows System Repair Disk. But why I cannot use it on Windows 7? Does someone have an idea?
It is true that when buying a laptop it is already installed with an operating system and sometimes also comes with several applications. But this doesn’t mean all applications will work on the computer because sometimes the operating system gets changed and the bundled programs are meant for an older operating system.
That’s why if your laptop ships with Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows System Repair Disk comes with it, you still need to check if Windows System Repair Disk is compatible with Windows 7. If not and like what you said it doesn’t work on your computer then it is possible that it is for a different operating system probably older than Windows 7.
If you want to create your own Windows System Repair Disk for Windows 7, you need a CD writer or a CD/DVD drive that can burn CDs. To create Windows System Repair Disk, click Start, All Programs, Maintenance, and then click “Create a System Repair Disc”. Select your optical drive from the drive dropdown box and then insert a blank disc into the drive.
Next, click “Create disc” and then wait until it is finished. When it is finished, click Close and then OK. Label the disc “Windows 7 System Repair Disc” and then keep it somewhere safe. Normally, an x86 Microsoft Windows 7 will only consume around 145 MB. So, using an ordinary CD-R would probably be enough for this task.