Windows Update Error 80200010

Hey, it is MR. X back again. I was stuck with the new Windows Update error 80200010. Can anyone fix this problem?

Hey, it is MR. X back again. I was stuck with the new Windows Update error 80200010. Can anyone fix this problem?
Windows Update Error 80200010 usually means that the Background Intelligent Transfer Service cannot access the Internet. This service was used to connect to the Windows website to download updates to your computer for your windows operating system. To fix the problem, you need to make sure that your computer is connected to the Internet and then check for updates again.
To see if you are connected to the Internet, point to the Network icon in the notification area and wait until you can see the status of your connection. You will see the name of your network or the service that you are connected to and the connection you have. If you’re on a company or home network, then see the message, “Access: Local and Internet.”