Sir, I am a non-computer science background student and know very little technical things. Last week, I tried to update my windows 7 and after that each time I am opening my laptop I am getting an error code 80070103.So can you please help me to know Why is it happening and How can this problem be solved?
Windows Update Error Code 80070103 Generated.
error code 80070103 is expected to be displayed if you are trying to install a device driver that is preinstalled on your system or it may happen if the driver that you are trying to update or has less rating than the one you have already have installed on the PC.
And even if then also you want to update, then try updating or installing it manually
Windows Update Error Code 80070103 Generated.
You may receive error code “0x80070103” when you are trying to install a Windows Update. The error is not technically serious. It only means you are trying to install a device driver that is already installed on your computer. It can also mean that Windows Update is trying to install a device driver that has a lower compatibility rating than the one that is already installed on your computer.
In other words, the driver that is currently installed is better than the one you are installing. If you receive error code “0x80070103” when you are trying to upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10 and the error tells you that the video card driver is not compatible, try updating your video card driver. Visit your video card manufacturer’s website and download the latest driver for your model.
But if you know the driver currently installed is the latest, one workaround is to hide the update. If the driver is working properly, it is not important to install the update. To hide the update, click “Start” then in the search box type without quotes “windows update”. Click “Windows Update” from the results. On the left pane, select “Check for updates”.
Click “Optional updates are available” then select “Optional”. In the “Select the updates you want to install” section, look for the update you want to hide, right-click it, and select “Hide update”. Click “OK” and that’s it.