Windows XP updates appears repeatedly and hangs

I keep seeing the same list of windows XP updates appear even after I have downloaded and install of them. Sometimes windows updates just hangs. Is there anything I can try?

I keep seeing the same list of windows XP updates appear even after I have downloaded and install of them. Sometimes windows updates just hangs. Is there anything I can try?
Delete the catroot2 folder contents. Its in the system32 folder usually here. C:WINDOWSsystem32CatRoot2, or Start – run – cmd – ok, at the command prompt, type the following and press enter, ren "%SystemRoot%System32CatRoot2 oldcatroot2 net start cryptsvc, rename the folder catroot2 to catold. then retry the update installation. When finish, there will be a new catroot2 folder and you can safely delete the old renamed one.
To address the common 0x800a138f error problem just copy this link,