Hi There!
Once day I installed Windows Vista style version for my computer. All process is right. After finishing installation of Vista I wish to install Microsoft office. When I install Microsoft office, my Microsoft office design is changed.
That is not a problem but after opening my Microsoft Office window, I go to the page setup for setup margins & I cannot see any A4/Legal or any other paper options. It does not my MS Word.
How can I enable it? Please help me.
Windows vista and Microsoft word page setup problem
Hi dear friend,
actually the basic thing which I want to tell you is, that there are many different versions and styles of word documents and files and software as well. Sometimes what happens, is that some people want to download Windows or Office from the Internet but that copy is not fully available on the Internet but an individual can download.
So because of the smaller files by default there are some missing options in those software. So try to install it again from a well known site and then try to run it. I hope your problem will be solved by this.
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Windows vista and Microsoft word page setup problem
The Microsoft Office installation setup is around 700MB+. If you think your installer is less than this normal size, maybe that is why you have an incomplete content and options inside. If you bought the installer CD from a legit store, then maybe the problem is in your installation. Try uninstalling Microsoft Office first then run a disk check on drive C to check if there is a file error that’s why the content is incomplete.
Right-click on drive C, and choose Properties.
Click on Tools tab.
Under Error checking, click on Check Now.
Under Check disk options, choose Automatically fix file system errors. Click Start afterwards. Wait for the disk check to finish.
After the disk check, install again Microsoft Office. After the installation open Microsoft Word and check if the options in Page Setup are still incomplete.
Windows vista and Microsoft word page setup problem
I tried your advise and I can now use MS-Office. I ran a disk check to see if I were missing some files. I restarted the PC and re-install the program again. It is now running A-ok. Thanks again for your help and to this amazing site. I never would’ve got any answer if I didn’t stumbled here on techyv. Thanks again!