I am a very busy person with various meetings, business appointments, conferences, coffee-talks and the like. My office colleague recommended regarding Excel task plugin, such program is said to be very helpful in organizing daily work schedule, pertinent business reminders and report creations. I am interested to use this plug-in, however, I am doubtful of its reliability, in terms of accurately saving my reports and updating me with important reminders for my various business schedules. Can I really rely on this one? Furthermore, may I know the best feature or highlight feature of such type of Excel task plugin.
Wingnut Task Tracker’s Reliability as an Excel task Plugin
I would refer you strongly to use Wignut task tracker as a plugin of Excel. It's too useful for a person like you. You can check at the description of it I made::
Task Tracker is a mallet to administer project tasks, infectious issues and attribute quality support in general.
It combines Task schedule of chart, uncertainty wizard, report designer/planner, drive to excel, e-mail, task timer, hoard reports in PDF and so on.
It visions our tasks in quest of adequate norms, inquiry and accounting as much as required and protection of all reports in PDF, XML, HTML and text for no interference. It allows you to manage unlimited databases and it permits several users. It is like a Complete Task management solution. So I will refer you to get it as fast as you can and get prepared Check for any solution @ http://j2.wingnutsolutions.com/