Receiving the error, it sounds like a good stopper.
Setup : INS19.TMP. Unable To Locate Component.
This application has failed to start because rtl60.bpl was not found.
Re- installing the application may fix this problem.
Why did this error take place (produced be)?
Please does anybody have a solution for this?
WMPlus 2- Windows Media Player Plugin
Reasons for this error:
1. rtl60.bpl may be accidently deleted from your computer
2. rtl60.bpl may be damaged by virus.
3. Related Registry files of rtl60.bpl is corrupt or absolute.
4. Program related to rtl60.bpl was uninstalled improperly.
5. rtl60.bpl has been overwritten by an older/corrupt versions.
These are the main reason behind this but there can be also some other reasons behind this error.
1. For solving this error, first you have to find out the nature answer causes how the problem origins.
2. Replace the missing rtl60.bpl from another operating system(friend's pc or neighbors' pc) and restart the program or reboot.
WMPlus 2- Windows Media Player Plugin
Hello! You know that "rtl60.bpl" windows error can be happened because of virus attack, archaic version, replaced by the corrupt version or unexpected removed from PC.
Well, I think it can be solved by uninstalling the program. After that you need to restart the PC and reinstall the new fresh version.
On the other hand, you can use rtl60.bpl repair tool to solve this issue.
You can download this repair tool free from http://www.how-to-fix-errors.com/errors/fix-rtl60.bpl-error-rtl60.bpl-error-fix.html here.
Enjoy it!