Word document error opening bilingual document

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I just got this error message when I tried to open a file using MS Word but the error says “This file cannot be processed because it was saved as a bilingual document in Word. Only monolingual files are supported”. Now I can’t understand how accidently I saved the file as bilingual. Has any solution to resolve this issue? Thanks for help.


This file cannot be processed because it was saved as a bilingual document in Word. Only monolingual files are supported.

Answered By 0 points N/A #187949

Word document error opening bilingual document


Resolution 1:

  • Take a look at your file type settings for the file type in question. To do this go to Tools > Options > File Types > Microsoft Word 2000-2003 / 2007 -2010 > Common.
  • Ensure that the Process Files with tw4winMark style option is NOT selected. Uncheck it if it checked.
  • After that you should be able to open the file.


Resolution 2:

Try cleaning up the file with Tw4winClean.Main macro.



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