Working with SQL 2005 problem

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello there!

I am working with SQL 2005 and I have a data which I want to export into my database engine in the server. I want to take minimum time possible if there is anyone with an idea how I can go about this please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

Answered By 0 points N/A #105820

Working with SQL 2005 problem


Hello Morgane,

Since you are using SQL server 2005 it is easy to import any type of file to a database engine. Just you have to follow a very few steps for doing this:

> By opening SQL server 2005 you will have a Object Explorer window in left side

> On that you will have a Databases folder where you can find your databases

> While right clicking on your database you can find "Tasks" in that you can pick Import Data

> It will display a SQL Server Import and Export wizard you have to click next button

> Then it will ask for your Data Source where you can choose your file type(eg: Excel,Access,etc) and the location of file to be uploaded

> Click on next button. It will ask for Destination,Server name and your database name.

> After hitting next button it will ask, do you want to copy all the data from uploading file or you want to write a query for selecting particular conditions

> On next you can give the table name by typing the name of a existing table or you can create a new table there

> After that in next window you can choose Execute immediately

> After that hit finish button

> It will show the progress and number of items transferred to your database


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