X Split Flash Player Error

Hello friends,
I have started using Xsplit Broadcaster just a few days ago. I have also installed the Adobe flash player 11 and DirectX. I am experiencing a problem in running Xsplit. Whenever I try to run the software, I get the following error on the screen:
XSplit requires at least version 10.3.181 of Flash Player for Internet
Explorer to be installed. Failure to install the latest version of Flash
Player for Internet Explorer can result in unexpected behavior.
Would you like to get the latest version of Flash Player for Internet
Explorer now?
I have installed it successfully but now it is not in working order. The message says that the flash player version is not updated.
What should I do? Can anyone please explain which versions should I use for both Xsplit and adobe flash player to resolve this problem?
I have Windows 7 64 bit operating system.
Your help will be highly valued