XML Filler for a site built on WordPress
Where can I find/download a filler(HTML or XML) for WordPress. So that I can use a Blank Theme or include the standard variety of markup link. Is that possible or I have to hard code.?
Where can I find/download a filler(HTML or XML) for WordPress. So that I can use a Blank Theme or include the standard variety of markup link. Is that possible or I have to hard code.?
Hello Cynthiawgalloway
If you want to use a blank theme, here are some links that can help you-
– http://designwoop.com/2008/09/wordpress-xml-import-download/
– https://speckyboy.com/wordpress-theme-frameworks/
– https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test
Hope you will get what you want.
Weiss Trevor
Margaret! I can understand your demand. I have got a website which is fully informative about this tutorial. As the large content, I can't describe this.
You can visit https://codex.wordpress.org/Data_Validation here.
Here is a lot of examples are given to be informed tutorial of HTML or XML to WordPress. Moreover, you can search for active forums for getting more info.
Just try it!
To use blank theme in WordPress you need to use BlankFolio Pro or other plugins.
Browse here for best WordPress themes.
You can download filler for WordPress as well.
You can follow both ways i.e. using Plugins or html coding.
For more details use WordPress website.