Xolo Q900 which are the countries its available

Where can we buy this Xolo Q900 model phone? What's best about this device. Detailed specifications would be useful

Where can we buy this Xolo Q900 model phone? What's best about this device. Detailed specifications would be useful
Xolo Q900 has a perfect screen size of 4.7 inch HD display. It is based on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and Quad Core processor. It has a rear camera of 8 MP and front Camera of 2 MP. It has internal memory of 4 GB and external memory expandable up to 32 GB.It is available in India at cost price of Rs. 12,999.
 If you are looking for a mobile that has the high end feature i suggests you to buy Xolo Q900 mobile. It is low in cost and it has best features like:
1. Most importantly is a Dual sim mobile.
2. having 8 MP primary camera.
3. Expandable storage of 32GB.
4. 1.2 GHz ARM A7 Quad core processor .
5. 4.7 inch HD display.
6. Android v4.2(jelly bean OS).
7. Full HD recording.
Finally you can buy this mobile from unique-kart website at Rs.11750.