Yahoo closes Livestand within six months!

I should say that Yahoo Livestand has been a popular application for the iOS/iPad user and has already earned four star on the App Store. Why people on earth had to close this application??

I should say that Yahoo Livestand has been a popular application for the iOS/iPad user and has already earned four star on the App Store. Why people on earth had to close this application??
Hi Stewartyimothy!
Here are some points that will clear up your question:
1. Yahoo launched a housekeeping plan that will merge at least 50 services that are not meeting the expectations of the company. This cause a lot of Yahoo services to be terminated.
2. Flip board, a Livestand like program, has already attracted a lot of customers that diminished Livestand's market share.
3. Blake Irvings' resignation is one of the probable cause since he is Yahoo's chief product officer.
If you liked Livestand, you may opt to download Flipbook. Flipbook is Apple's app of the year for 2010.
Thank you!
Research shows that Yahoo has killed "Livestand" a tablet magazine, just six months after its debut on the ipad. It has been said that the decision was made due to the struggling Internet Company's latest turn around effort. Yahoo CEO said "when we discontinue products, it will be so that we can focus on opportunities where we lead and create the most meaningful experiences for people using our products, and also, our partners, developers and advertisers.
However, Yahoo began working on Livestand in 2010, after it became clear that Apple Inc.'s iPad was going to be popular. Livestand featured Software that could be customized to pull content from yahoo's own website, and other digital publishers to cater to each user's tastes.Â
Now, to get to my big conclusion, it is known that iPad already had an application called "Flipboard" which was attracting a large audience. This is the same concept that yahoo tried to bring about with livestand which was already in full swing with flipboard.
The yahoo livestand was a popular application for the ios/ipad users and has already earned four stars in the App store, but there is your answer, it was just a replica/duplicate of another application that was ranking in the five star range.