Asked By
John Dammon
200 points
Posted on - 06/05/2011
I am encountering an issue with Yahoo! Mail. The error message is
Sorry, Unable to process request at this time — error 999.
It says that my request couldn't be processed at this time and that I should try again later.
This is my first time to encounter this issue. It says that for me to be able to resolve this, I should look over my system and scan system for a spyware and virus. I did what it said. I first updated my Anti Virus program from the internet and then started scanning the system. It was completed with no virus or spyware found. It is also posted that the error is cause by unusual activity coming from the Internet Service Provider. I can't think of such.
Please help me surpass this error as I really need to create an email account in yahoo for a project.
Answered By
0 points
Encountering Error 999 on Yahoo Messenger
Hi there,
The error you are having usually shows up when a user requested too many Yahoo accounts within a given time frame, this usually happens when 15-20 accounts are created by one IP within 24 hours. There are different ways to avoid this issue, here are some:
1. Wait for 24 hours to pass. The easiest solution, if you're no that much in a hurry then this is a good solution. Yahoo has complete control over this problem so all you can do is wait for them to lift it.
2. Change your IP. If you really need to go to Yahoo immediately, you can try changing your IP. Depending on your Internet Service Provider, some uses Dynamic IP Addressing and lets you change your IP, you can call them to change your IP and explain the situation.
3. Use proxy servers. This is much like changing your IP, for Yahoo will see the IP of the proxy server of your choice. There are a lot of proxy servers around in the internet, all you need is to search for it. But here, I recommend VTunnel, just go to the site, put the URL on the text box and click the Begin Browsing button.
Encountering Error 999 on Yahoo Messenger
To prevent to occurring this message, you may try to login your yahoo mail through some international server such as and
You may also try disposing your cookies and cache files of your browser.