Hello TehyV buddies!
I am having some problem with yahoo messenger. Whenever I try to connect to my yahoo messenger an error occurs saying this:
“Service not enabled for this handheld”
I am using 9810 torch 2. Can anyone help me solve this problem? Thank you!
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Yahoo Messenger (Error Service not enabled for this handheld)
Hello Otis!
If you are using a data plan of 9810 torch 2 you better contact your carrier holder for you to have the accurate settings for you to be able to log in and connect yahoo messenger using your device. But if you are using prepaid service, you might not have the proper settings. So, you needed to configure your device manually. You can do it by simply following few simple steps.
On the handset:
1. Go to: Options
2. Choose: Device
3. Select: Advanced
4. Pick: host routing table
5. Click on menu and the select register now
You need to wait for a minute or two to find out if your registration is successful. If it does not work, you should try visiting your prepaid carrier operator!
Hope it helps!
Yahoo Messenger (Error Service not enabled for this handheld)
You have a BlackBerry data plan such as BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS). Go to Options>Device>Advanced>Host Routing Table>Click on Menu and then select Register Now. Wait for few minutes and try to open your Yahoo again. If this doesn't work, contact the carrier (AT&T, T-Mobile, Vodafone etc.) that you are using so they can give you correct configurations. BlackBerry apps won't work through Wi-Fi. You need to activate it through your carrier.