Yahoo messenger text problem. Cannot see any text.

My Yahoo Messenger is not showing any text! I can't see any text being sent to me in a chat window; I don't even see my own replies! Can anyone help me please!

My Yahoo Messenger is not showing any text! I can't see any text being sent to me in a chat window; I don't even see my own replies! Can anyone help me please!
Dear Bostow,
You may try uninstalling Yahoo messenger and install it again. May be a major crash is causing this problem. Good luck.
Thanks for the suggestion mate. But it didn’t work. Can you help me with any other option please?
Ok then, there must be a zone scripting problem. Try these:
Delete the folder and close the editor. It must solve your problem. Good luck.
I did it the way you asked me to do. But it looks like nothing’s changed! Do I need to do anything else to make it work? It's really irritating me mate. Please help me.
Did you reboot your PC after editing the registry? If no, then go through the procedure again (for safety only) and after you are done, just reboot the PC. Remember one thing mate: Every time you edit your registry, you must reboot your computer to apply the changes. Good luck.
Wow! It worked! It's a great relief. Thank you from my heart.