Yahoo messenger throws error while trying to instant Messaging

Hey guys,
I’m wondering if it is possible for anyone to help me in resolving this problem. I’ve installed Windows 2000 professional and Firefox in my PC. Recently, I upgraded my yahoo messenger version.
The problem is that when I try Instant Messaging, or if someone tries to send me an instant message, my yahoo messenger throws an ERROR (posted below).
If I click YES button, I’m just getting a blank Instant Message Window where I could not see any messages. I’ll be thankful if someone could help me solve this issue.

Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on the page.
Line: Â 2416
Char:Â 24
Error: Unexpected quantifier
Code: 0
URL: file://C:Docume~1ADMINI~1LOCALS~TempTMP10.tmp
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