Youtube video is not working on full screen

My  Youtube video works fine on the normal screen but whenever I click the full screen option, the screen goes blank.  Can anyone help me out ?

My  Youtube video works fine on the normal screen but whenever I click the full screen option, the screen goes blank.  Can anyone help me out ?
It only happens when you play flash video, the screen only turns black even though it is still playing. Its because you hardware might not support flash video acceleration. The solution is just simple, all you have to is just:
1. Play any flash video on the web. Your probably best option is to search for a video on youtube and play it.
2. Right-click on the video where it is placed.
3. Choose Settings in the menu.
4. Then look for the check box for Enable Hardware Acceleration, then unchecked the box.
This is the best solution to your problem it will surely works for you.