Hello there,
Building an app with Python setup.py py2app works, but trying to run the resulting file it gives me this dialog. Does anyone know what I did wrong ? I have checked everything and I didn’t find anything wrong. Any solution ?
Thank you !
Zenmap error
Zenmap error
An unexpected error has occurred during execution of the main script
importError: No module named gtk
Zen map error occurs during the execution
Hello Jacqueline,
The answer that you are looking for can be found by installing the subversion $apt-get install subversion. Afterward the symlink m,ust be produced $ln- s / usr/lib/libsvn_client-1.so.1.0.0/usr/lib/libsvn_clinet-1.so.0. These algorithms should provide the results that you are looking for. If not, try $ln- s/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsvn_client- 1.so.1.0.0/usr/lib/libsvn_client-1.so.0. In order to operater the Zenmap $sudo Zenmap or $sudo nmap.