Zimbra Installation – 502 Error due to Mailbox Server

Hello everyone! My acquaintances and I have tried setting up Zimbra 5.0.9 through a multi server installation (2 x Proxy, 1 MTA In, 1 MTA Out, 2 x Mailbox and 1 master LDAP and 1 replica LDAP). While working on the installation, we found out that if we closed one mailbox server, we would receive a 502 Error when we try to open our page. We think that the probable cause of this error is the request that we received from nginx to close down the mailbox while we were trying to download Zimbra. To sort this error out, we need to get a way of getting the mailbox server out from the nginx configuration and allow the nginx server to send all requests to the running mailbox server. Although the solution seems to be too easy to say, executing it is our real problem. If anybody out here knows how to help us run our solution, kindly give us some tips. Thanks a lot, everyone!